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Webinars and Demos
Set up, configure, and manage alerts you receive for incoming and outgoing ACH transactions for your account(s).

Learn how to set up, configure, and manage alerts you receive for incoming and outgoing ACH transactions for your account(s).
Link to GoBizFFB Fraud Center webinar

Our experts give you an in-depth look at the GoBizFFB Fraud Center. Learn how to approve items, manage payees and users, set up alerts, and more... 
Link to GoBizFFB ACH and Wires Webinar

Learn how to leverage GoBizFFB's ACH & Wire features to optimize your business's electronic payments and take control of your finances.
Link to GOBizFFB Key Features Webinar

This session is designed to showcase key features of GoBizFFB that our clients requested to see, including: User Management, Alerts Setup, Reporting, Mobile App, and more... 
Link to GoBizFFB Platform Overview Webinar
Join us as we walk you through the GoBizFFB business online banking platform and unveil the powerful new features designed to streamline your business banking.